Friday, 2 August 2013

How to Get More Followers on Twitter

Studies have found that there are only two kinds of Twitter users:

One those who prefer to increase the number of followers and the second one’s are those who just have the tendency to Alie, though the statement is a bit controversial but again this is a reality. If you are reading this page, you might be one of them. Here are a few tips that may help you can greatly in increasing your follower count.

·         You just need to be sure that your profile is complete with a pic added to it that shows your face and a concrete bio. It's important for people to know about who you are and the interests you have.
·         The best way to give a perfect look is to fix the photograph with the face where you are looking straight into the lens and should always avoid adding a pic carrying different angles and before adding the pic just crop it into a square, but should never shrink it down.

·          If you own a company and are interested to use your brand as your twitter cover instead of using your own pic, this is perfectly acceptable.
·         Maximum people will go through your Twitter profile before deciding on to follow you. A good profile will certainly help you to increase thenumber of your followers.
·         Tweet well and tweet often. Your followers will certainly glance at your most recent tweets and then decide if you're worth following.

.      Try to change your twitter cover photos after a gap of few days to attract more followers. For the twitter cover photo you can opt your own picture or from  different websites offering the same.
·          Just try to have a minimum of one post per day and ideally two posts per day just to maximize your account. You just need to be fully assured that you are tweeting on a variety of subjects and not just your personal thoughts or what you're doing at the moment. You should also talk about your interests, share a piece of concerned advice, or try to post a photo of something cool to switch it up.

·         Try to be exciting, transparent and little challenging where you always have zeal to prove what all is right. Share intimate news about your life.
·         Must always try and post the links which can be of interest to others also. You may find a variety of websites where you can hunt for your prime tweeting material. Adding pictures, videos and even sound clips can even make your posts more fun to follow.

·         You can request your followers to retweet on the. Here you just need to request "Please retweet" or "Please RT" to the end of some of your posts just reminding your followers to provide their views on the same.
Your little efforts like the one’s we have mentioned will not only increase the number of the followers but also will make you stand on top of the tweeting community where people will eagerly wait for you tweets............

 For various options on Twitter Headers visit

Monday, 17 June 2013

Adding Twitter Cover is as simple as adding Facebook Banner.

Twitter cover photo is similar to that of the Facebook banner image displayed at the top of the timeline and also has the similarity with the profile page of Google plus with the cover photo which is displayed horizontally. After twitter was introduced the tremendous updations have been done introducing Twitter cover photo hence giving twitter cover page a new look. The upcoming changes have made twitter cover photos a hot topic of discussion for the social media experts. People have also started using twitter for their business purposes also. Therefore the new format of twitter cover photo has become more promising helping people to communicate with their business clients.
Twitter Banners

Twitter Covers is generally a header image which is little more meaningful then being a mere picture. It is a kind of back ground image consisting profile image, user name, twitter account name, location and the web link. Adding a cover photo in Twitter profile is as simple as adding cover photo in Facebook profile.
Twitter Cover Photos

Ample of ways are available which can be used to add or update the twitter cover photo. You can not only add meaning pictures but also can use it to convey messages to your known’s. You can make use of a single photo explaining the purpose of your business in the best possible way and adding a meaningful message to it that can explain your business in the best possible way. Another important thing to do is take care of the color background so that the text written is fully readable. The twitter cover photo can also be used to make important announcements related to your business like latest offers and the upcoming deals.
Twitter Header

It is appreciated by critics that adding twitter header is the great source of generating business by making it reach to the maximum number of potential clients and is proved to be a best source of advertisement.
Twitter Cover Photo

Therefore the latest addition to twitter as twitter cover photos has brought a revolutionary change in the advertisement and promotion strategy of any business. The optimum use of of twitter cover photos can be beneficial in generating more business by giving an exponential rise to your business.  
Twitter Headers

While using the said feature one must not forget to try the other possible ways to attract the customers. If your profile will be interesting then more persons will follow you. This can be the one possible way to increase the business but definitely not the only way to generate and increase your business.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

More about the Twitter Cover Photos.

This is a step by step guide to add Twitter cover photo to your account.  No doubt that the twitter cover photo is having similarity to Facebook's cover photo and is generally an inactive image sitting on top of the twitter profile; and views your profile via android devices or
Twitter Header
Point wise description on adding twitter cover photo to your twitter profile:
             First you need to log in to and navigate to the top right icon
             Go to the "settings" and after the account page appears you need to select "design" on the left navigation list.
Twitter Cover
             When you scroll down to the section "Customize your own" there you will find a button labeled as "Change Header". After you click on the same you can then upload the image of your choice.
Twitter Cover Photos
             The image needs have a specific size ‘1255*626 pixels ‘ and after choosing the same you can now place the image  within the frame.
Twitter Banner
             Now you need to save the changes and you have completed your job of adding a desired picture to your twitter profile.
             You can change the picture added by you to your twitter profile as a twitter cover photo any time as per your wish by just clicking on "change header" and then removing the existing image.
Twitter Covers
             You need to concentrate fully while you are intending to choose the twitter cover photo; the same need not be too dark or light and text is fully readable making it more presentable.
             If the same gets done at then your updated profile will also be shown at various mobile and tablet devices.
Twitter Banners
Twitter cover photo is very much similar to Facebook’s banner image displayed at the top of the timeline. Also Google plus profile page has got this cover photo thing displayed horizontally stretched at the top of the page. The cover photo or header image in Twitter is less complex than a mere picture.
Twitter Headers
Thus, we see that these cover photos are a great source for advertising your business so that reaches to the maximum number of potential clients and customers very quickly.               
Twitter Cover Photo
The latest addition of Twitter in the form of header image or cover photos is definitely a revolutionary change in terms of marketing and promotion strategy for many businesses. The optimum use of these Twitter cover photos can result in an exponential increase in exposure of any business. Always keep in mind that still the best possible way of attracting more and more customers towards your Twitter profile is how compelling your Twitter profile page can be. Use this new feature wisely else its value will be no more than a pretty artwork.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Twitter Cover Photo

As twitter has been announcing various changes for the users, the one that has altogether changed the appearance of twitter cover is the picture which has been introduced as the twitter cover photo and has been redesigned to make the same more attractive. The header photo placed on the profile page is termed as the header photo which must not be confused with the profile picture visible on the main page. The profile picture is more of a symbol and the cover photo is always for the background and the visitors can only see it when they are visiting your profile.

Twitter Covers

Twitter cover photo has tremendously gained popularity and one of the prominent things to do is choosing an appropriate and correct picture from the appropriate place and is the chief challenge to be faced. It’s since the time the after this important update has been made; the feature has become more trendy. In order to get rid of the grey image that is appearing in the space of header photo the users have been advised to make use of their own pictures or to choose and place a picture that suits them the most.

Twitter Banners

Is there any need to have an unattractive page where the same can be made more attractive and thrilling? Users can always make use of the readily available websites offering a high quality and easy download for Twitter Cover photo. Extensive range of user friendly covers going are available that can be used.

Twitter Header

The cover normally highlights the personality of an individual and the mood while using the number of options available. It is quiet easy to find a picture and then follow the process for the Twitter Cover Photo. You can go the site from where you are intending to pick a picture from and after the picture has been chosen you just need to put it on your profile page by navigating the gear icon which is on the top right of the twitter page. You can customize you own picture by placing the cursor on the top left and then selecting the design option.

Twitter Cover

You can opt to upload the picture at the place where you are finding the default grey box. The picture you are uploading needs to be within the dimensions specified by the twitter and immediately after uploading the picture you can find a more specified attention to your profile you were aiming at. Twitter cover photo makes your profile more unique and attractive and also will increase the number of visitors matching your profile.

                        Twitter Cover Photo                       Twitter Cover Photos